On my last blog I said we would look at some of the customs men were expected to follow on Praxton. The contrast to what women wear is significant. To start males need to appear to be Strong and dominating. This means clothing that is loose and to give the appearance he is large and strong. The shirt usually has long sleeves and bulky looking. Often it will be open in the front to show off his chest. His pants are also loose fitting, though the fly will be heavily decorated and partially open to reveal what is underneath. Males also wear heavy boots, almost continuously from the time they get up in the morning until it`s time for bed.
As the reader will note, the contrast between males and females dress is significant and helps establish the order on Praxton.
I recently received a review from Coffee Time Romance. A link to the review;
They gave it a good review. The second book in the series-Praxton, The Battle for Freedom- will be released in January.
I have a new release by eXtasy Books. Snow Job contains two short Christmas stories. One contains a bit of spanking and bondage. The other is a humorous story about a Christmas tree.
If I don`t have a chance to later on, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Praxton customs

As I mentioned in my last blog I want to talk more on the social customs of Praxton. Many of the customs come from the time when females were treated as valuable slaves. Thus in modern Praxton females are usually restrained to their bed at night, often by being cuffed to the ankle to the foot of the bed. Normally females sleep two to a bed and also sleep in the nude. Thus females consider it normal to exchange physical touches with one another and it is not unusual for intimate relationships to develop.
Females are encouraged not to hide their body. An example is the bath and showers often have glass walls around them that allow others to see them as they wash. Some households even may have one transparent wall of the bath or shower to the outside world.
The fashions on Praxton reflect the past as well. Females wear a collar that identifies their male guardian. They also wear cuffs with various chains attached. These collars, cuffs and chains are less practical as restraints and more like fashion jewellery. While the cuffs and collars are locked, most females are allowed to carry a key to remove them as need requires. While females vary the way they wear cuffs and chains, sometimes choosing to leave them off, they will always wear a collar. The collar is a deeply ingrained symbol to Praxton and a female would never leave her bedroom without wearing one.
On my next blog I shall talk about Praxton from what males are expected to wear and how they act.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Praxton Life

I said in my last blog I would give more of an insight of Praxton and the way of life there. The rest of human civilization, namely the Alliance worlds, believe the women on Praxton are treated as slaves. Praxton disagrees but let me describe a bit about Praxton`s past.
The early history of Praxton started when two rival groups decided to colonize the planet at the same time. One group was military in structure, the other was intent on populating the world as quickly as possible and brought more women than men. Soon the military group was trying to capture the women for their own needs. After a brief war an agreement was reached but outlaw slave trading flourished.
Raiders, small groups of outlaws, would capture women from the estates of wealthy land owners. They would then sell the women to other wealthy estates.
Once a women was purchased, usually at an auction, the owner would take steps to ensure she didn`t easily disappear. The new slave would be given clothes of the owner`s choice, collared and likely cuffed with chains. Often they would be placed in a locked cell with other slaves. To help ensure her behaviour the new owner would often use mild discipline such as spanking or a light whip.
Modern Praxton reflects its not so civilized past. Women still wear collars that identify there male guardian. However the collars are more cosmetic in nature and can be very decorative. Females also wear cuffs with chains attached but wear them as jewellery. Though the collar and cuffs are always locked, most women carry a spare key to remove them in case they need to remove them for washing or changing clothes.
More on Praxton customs later, but I would like to announce Praxton, Book One is now available at Midnight Showcase http://www.midnightshowcase.com/midnight/PraxtonBook1.htm
Sunday, August 29, 2010
New story, Praxton

I am looking forward to the release of Praxton, Slaves of the Rogue World at the beginning of September. I had a lot of fun writing the story, so much so there are sequels in the works. I have had a few compliments on the story from the editors, and I suspect more than a few of my readers will enjoy reading it.
Praxton takes place in the far future. “Slaves of the Rogue World” is perhaps a bit misleading. In my story the Alliance Worlds believe the women on Praxton are indeed slaves and need to be set free. Their beliefs at first look as if they are slaves. All females (although they outnumber the males by a considerable margin) wear collars to show who their male guardians are. The females also often wear cuffs with chains, wear little clothing and are submissive to the men. Despite this the females are free to choose their guardian.
Praxton is a male dominate society and females are submissive to them, dressing and acting to please them. The guardians also hand out discipline to help maintain order in the household where there can be several females living with a single male guardian.
Of course the Alliance Worlds have trouble believing that the females on Praxton are content and want to save them. The minor problem is the women of Praxton don’t want to be rescued. Thus we have a conflict between the Alliance Worlds and Praxton, and the fun begins!
So in the next few blogs I want to go over what it is like to live on Praxton, especially from the females point of view.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Time flies

Sorry I haven't done any blogging since April. There was just too much work to do around the house and I just ran out of time. I have not stopped writing though and am working on a couple of stories. One is a Christmas story I promised eXtasy Books I'd have ready this month.
I'm also trying to get my series Praxton ready for publication, these books will be published by Midnight Showcase.
Finally I have a new release by eXtasy Books called The Doorway, which is a sequel to Buy Me. The Doorway deal with bondage and BDSM and the main female character, Catherine, has a strong personality. The main male character Daniel tells her he wants to seduce her and make her his sub. The story deals with her resistance to him and the battle of wills between them.
The underlying message of The Doorway is that people have desires but don't always have a chance to act on them. In this case Catherine wonders who she really wants to be. The link for The Doorway is:
or go to EXtasy Books and look for it under new releases.
Okay, I had to give a plug for my latest book. I want to say generally speaking I like to write stories where the bondage or BDSM is consensual. I can`t always use that theme but I do find a lot of women are interested in fantasizing about being held helpless. On my next blog I will go into a bit more detail on that, and I assure you the next blog won`t be long in coming.
Enjoy the summer
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New story

I want to let you know I have a new short story available called Inventory Time. This tale involves two women counting inventory in a warehouse under the supervision of a male manager. Some errors in the counting of parts leads to some unusual discipline, starting off with a mild spanking and eventually the use of bondage. The actions are consensual and the story is meant to show the attraction of the three people to each other.
You can read an excerpt on my website or purchase the story at A1adultbooks. The buy link is http://www.fiction4all.com/site.php?cat=ISC&adlib=Y
I hope you will take the time to give it a read.
I'm also busy for the release of a book called Buy Me. More details on that on the next blog.
Friday, April 9, 2010

After "M" submitted to me we had a lot of fun experimenting with different types of bondage and discipline. I liked using rope on her and she preferred the bonds to be tight. Those were the fun times- any time I felt like it I could tie her up. She accepted that I knew best and never argued when I felt the need.
I also expected her to tell me if she felt she had been bad. She told me that since she was never sure if I already knew she had disobeyed, she would always tell me as soon as possible any infraction she may have done.
Last night she came into the TV room and after gaining my attention, removed her clothes and then slid over my lap. She told me she had wasted time during the afternoon watching a soap opera and deserved to be spanked for it.
Of course I appreciated her honesty in informing me of her indiscretion, and also making the punishment easy and lying naked over my knee. I suspected she wanted to spanked and looked for the opportunity to get one. I decided to oblige her. First I used my hand and then I finished off the spanking with a few wacks with my belt.
That night in bed she was still feeling guilty about her behaviour and did her best to make it up to me.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Collar time

I remember the first time I presented "M" with a collar. It was a beautiful metal and black leather collar that used a small padlock to ensure its closure. When I opened the package in front of her I expected she would be hesitant about accepting it. "M" has a strong personality and she fought me as I pressed my control over her. The collar is very symbolic; it asserts that the person wearing it is a sub and I was not going to force it on her. If she refused to wear it I would continue my task of dominating her. So far she had resisted my attempts but after some discipline she would obey my wishes.
I did understand she enjoyed being spanked, but she preferred it first if I used my strength to pull over my knee. Once she had been spanked, always bare bottomed, she would act like a proper sub. It was a game she liked to play, to see how far I would go to keep her in line.
I did use bondage as a way of discipline. I would use ropes to secure her to a door, hogtie her and even occasionally to the coffee table. Believe me, there are a lot of ways to use rope to secure a pretty woman to a position.
Back to the collar. When "M" saw the collar she was ecstatic. She quickly put it on and knelled in front of me. Her words were, "I finally feel like a proper slave now."
It marked the end of "M"s resistance to me. With that collar I now had full control.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Keeping her naked

I mentioned how I spanked “M” for the first time and I continued to push my dominance over her carefully over the next few weeks. I suppose some would call it training but I thought of it conditioning her to accept myself as her master.
On one occasion I phoned her in the morning before she went to work; she still lived separately from me. I told her I wanted her to wear a skirt but she was not to wear any panties. She protested she was already dressed but that simply told me she wasn’t really refusing my command, just the timing of it. I then repeated my command and informed her she was now going to receive discipline as well when I saw her later. There was a small hesitation and she said she was sorry and would change immediately. Of course I administered a spanking that evening and then made her stand in a corner for ten minutes. The next time I phoned in the morning and told her what to wear there wasn’t any hesitation in her agreement.
On the following weekend I stayed over and wanted to exert my control. I told her she was not allowed to get dressed until I said so and I would choose what she could wear later. I went out Saturday afternoon alone. I didn’t tell her where I was going or when I would be back. She glared at me, which earned her several swats on her bum, and I left. I went for a coffee, returning almost two hours later and saw she was naked and subdued. She apologized for being defiant and kneeled in front of me. I was pleased at her new attitude and took her out for dinner that evening, giving her only a dress and shoes to wear.
During the next few weeks I would also tie her up in different positions when the opportunity arose. Cuffs would have been easier, but I preferred to use rope at those first sessions. I liked to use lots of rope that made her feel completely captured and helpless. I didn’t use much discipline then, but was watching her carefully as she submitted to being captive. She was enjoying her bondage sessions and mild spankings, but I was planning to increase the discipline a bit. In the next blog I will explain what I did next.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I recall fondly the first time I felt “M” was under my control. I was very patient with her, slowly showing her my ability to direct her to do what I wanted. Then one evening I decided to take the leap and push her into a submissive act for the first time. Afterwards she asked me what took me so long! I guess I missed a few hints before she was ready.
We had an outing to a nice lounge for drinks and a small bite to eat, and then I took her to my place. She was wearing a short skirt and a simple top, looking very pretty and sexy. The skirt was something I told her on the phone I wanted her to wear. She complied without comment and I had a sense she knew something was going to happen.
At my place I gave her a drink and sat next to her on the couch, joking with her and letting my hands run up and down her legs. After she finished her drink I told her last week she had been having naughty thoughts and I needed to correct that. Her response was something like how I planned to do that, and as an answer I put my arm around her shoulder and pushed her down and over my lap.
“M” giggled as she rolled over my lap and I quickly established my control by giving her several swats on her ass. She didn’t struggle other than place a hand over her backside that I quickly grabbed to pin her better. I lifted up her skirt to her waist and pulled down her panties before spanking her again. She gave a small shriek but it didn’t sound like a protest. I knew she was waiting what I was going to do next, and that was to push her top and bra off. I told her I wanted her naked and she assisted me as she rested across my lap. After I removed her skirt I gave her another spanking. I then removed my belt and told her to cross her wrists behind her back. She quickly obeyed and I tied her wrists with my belt. I had her; naked, secured and looking lovely over my lap.
I told “M” that from now on I was going to control her. After a brief hesitation she nodded. I allowed her to get up after another spanking but kept her hands secured behind her back. I still had more plans for her. I would like to point out the spanking wasn’t hard. It was not meant to cause her any pain but to establish I could spank her when I wanted to.
Next blog I will talk about on my next steps with “M”.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Establishing control

Dominance. Once you have established that you are in control, you can take your dominance to the next level. Don’t push too hard or too fast. She will let you know when she is ready to trust you to take control.
Be a gentleman; open car doors for her, help her sit, offer to do things for her that is easier for a man to do. You do want her to depend on you and it’s important that she feels safe with you. Take her to places where it is expected woman will wear dresses, skirts, high heels and depend on an escort to make the evening easier.
Remember the earlier blog spoke of using your strength to occasionally guide her? Continue to do so but now you can step it up slightly. Take her to your place for an evening for a meal you prepared or to watch a movie you picked out. Pour her a drink; don’t ask if she wants one. By giving her a drink you are establishing control for the evening.
At some point you will want to go to the next level with her. There are a number of ways of doing this. One way, when you are alone with her, is to remove your tie and as you kiss her, wrap the tie around her wrists. Her reaction will tell you if she is ready. She may laugh and slip her hands out of them, she may look down and not resist at all. If she does resist, do not be alarmed. Try again when she is more comfortable.
Another method is to sit in an armchair and ask her to bring you a drink. When she hands you the drink, gently take her arm and pull her towards the floor, telling her you want her to sit by you. If she complies and sits on the floor next to you, it is a sign she is submitting to you. If she sits on your lap or on the arm of the chair, she is not ready yet.
Regardless of her actions, continue to promote her wearing clothes that show off her figure and legs. You want her to feel sexy and at the same time dependent on you. Next blog I will tell of the time I got “M” to submit for the first time.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
the start of dominance

Dominance. That can be a powerful word to use when describing a situation or a relationship. When you are with a partner for a period of time one will eventually exert dominance over the other to varying degrees. As a male, you want that to be you. One thing you should be aware of is that your lady wants you to be dominate as well (that is, most women do want their male partner to be strong and be the leader).
You do not have to overpowering to dominate. Simple acts will reinforce that role. If you are at a party take a moment to tell her you want to show her something (it can be anything like a painting or a chair) and use your hand to direct her to the new location. Do not point or just lead. Let her feel the strength in your hand. Another method is to talk to her when she is blocked by a wall or another object. Move in close and let her know she is captive to you for the moment.
When you are about to go to a function and you want to impress her, wear big clothes. Shirts with long sleeves, a sports jacket or a suit will make you look bigger and more powerful. The less she wears, the more powerful you will be in her eyes and she will depend on you to keep the other male predators away.
Remember to use your size to your advantage. Occasionally put your arm around her but do not over do it and look clingy or scared to leave her alone. It is important for you to tell her what you will be doing so she can be prepared, but don’t explain unless it’s important to do so. For example, at a party tell her that “We will be leaving after 11pm” but you shouldn’t have to explain why.
Next blog will discuss what to do when you are alone with her and how to make her more submissive.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Haven Story

I don't know if you have had time to check out my novel "Haven" but I would like to give a bit more information about the story and how it relates to the sequels "Praxton, Slaves of the Rogue World". Society pushes us towards political correctness, something that has being going since history began I suppose. Certainly a lot of people came to the New World to escape what they considered an oppressive society in the Old World.
Haven takes place in the far future where political correctness makes humans want to establish their own worlds under their own laws. However Earth doesn't want these outlying worlds to have too much independence and forces them to agree to the Charter of Conduct, a document enforcing Earth's way of life. When Haven is rediscovered by Earth and the Alliance Worlds, they discover that eating meat, using wood and having natural birth is no longer considered civilized. A struggle begins between the opposing views.
Haven touches on the world of Praxton. When the story of Haven is told Praxon is still an independent world but is facing increasing hostilities to agree to the Charter of Conduct.
Praxton's crime is the keeping of women in a collar that identifies their male guardian, and the population of Praxton is such that there are several females for each male. I have simplified the Praxton story line here of course, but one thing I like to emphasise is that the women choose to live on Praxton under these conditions. In fact the Alliance Worlds are appalled how many women choose to immigrate to Praxton.
The fact is many women do enjoy being tied up occasionally, wear collar and cuffs and like to have an occasional spanking, or at least fantasize about it. So in the face of political correctness, I wrote about Praxton.
Television doesn't have a problem showing a woman being murdered but can you imagine the outcry if one is spanked? I guess being murdered is the lesser of the two evils.
Nick Howard
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hi Everyone,
I hope my blog is okay. I wasn't sure what to write but since I didn't want to be spanked I figured I should write something, especially since Nick has been so nice to me.
I'd like to give Nick a big thank you for not only cheering me up by giving me something to do and inspiring Violet's story but also for hosting my story on his site. It's such a big compliment for me since he's such a great writer. Thank you Nick.
When Nick first offered to host a story I write for his site and mentioned my other NIS stories. That's why I wrote an NIS story, and since one of my stories has a main character who's a vampire, I decided to write another NIS story with a vampire for him. Most NIS stories cover an entire week but since Nick wanted a short story I just wrote Violet's Monday entry. I did leave the ending open so I could add on if I wanted. I also posted Vampire Naked in School at storiesonline and so far all those who've written have liked it and think I should continue Violet's story for the entire week. I hope you will enjoy her story as much as they have. And it's quite probable there will be more of her story in the near future.
Happy reading Everyone and thank you again Nick,
I hope my blog is okay. I wasn't sure what to write but since I didn't want to be spanked I figured I should write something, especially since Nick has been so nice to me.
I'd like to give Nick a big thank you for not only cheering me up by giving me something to do and inspiring Violet's story but also for hosting my story on his site. It's such a big compliment for me since he's such a great writer. Thank you Nick.
When Nick first offered to host a story I write for his site and mentioned my other NIS stories. That's why I wrote an NIS story, and since one of my stories has a main character who's a vampire, I decided to write another NIS story with a vampire for him. Most NIS stories cover an entire week but since Nick wanted a short story I just wrote Violet's Monday entry. I did leave the ending open so I could add on if I wanted. I also posted Vampire Naked in School at storiesonline and so far all those who've written have liked it and think I should continue Violet's story for the entire week. I hope you will enjoy her story as much as they have. And it's quite probable there will be more of her story in the near future.
Happy reading Everyone and thank you again Nick,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Stories on hold

I haven't a had a chance to work on a story lately. We had some water and plumbing problems and one thing led to another. A wall had to come down and it ended up being a bit of a mess.
That doesn't mean my ideas for stories disappeared. In fact I worked on a couple of stories in my mind. They just haven't been made into actual words.
One story is the forth novel for Praxton, Slaves of the Rogue World. By the way the first Praxton novel is due for release in August, 2010. The sequels will be released in September and November. I hope I can have the forth book ready by the end of the year. Hopefully I won't have any more home disasters.
I have another short story ready. I'm not sure when to release it and I'm not even sure what to title it yet. I'll figure all that out in a week or two.
Valentine's day is coming up; make sure you remember to get something nice for your sweetheart. If you know her well enough you can get her a nice pair of handcuffs but don't push your luck. Flowers first.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
More stories

I mentioned in my last blog that I finished up a short story called "Be Careful What You Wish For". It was a fun story about a princess who gets kidnapped by a knight and situation she place in. I'm not sure who will be publishing it or when it will go out, but I'll let you know when I do. The story will include bondage and spanking.
I started another story, for the time being I'm calling "Star" and it will also involve the kidnapping. This is taking place in the future and will be about an actress who is abducted for the purpose of being turned in a slave. A detective agency is hired to find her.
I'm mentioning this because a reader asked if I could include her in one of my stories. After thinking it over I agreed. I think it will be kind of fun using her as one of the characters. In her case it wasn't the main character- I already had picked out that one- but I think she will be happy amyway to be included in a story.
Actually, if you would like to be a female character in a story, let me know. Send me an email and give me a name you would like me to use in the story. I would like to know what you look like, so maybe a photo of your face and a discription of your figure. Also, perhaps three words to describe your personality.
Okay, back to writing about pretty women getting themselves in situations.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Back again

Sorry about the length of time since my last blog. Xmas is a crazy time of the year and among other things I did a lot of outdoor stuff. We have a couple of snow mobiles and we used them a lot this year.
I have updated my website a little more often and now that I'm not scared to make changes to it I will be doing more regular updates.
As you may have noticed I am including a few pictures of vintage bondage. I find them interesting and hope you like them too.
I am working on a new story, two actually. One is a short medieval story about a kidnapped princess. Her problems begin when her fairy god-mother overhears her wishes.
The other is a story set in the future that involves a detective agency. More details on that as I work thorough it.
If you have a minute, let me know what you think of my stories and website. I'm always looking for ways to improve both.
Nick Howard
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