Friday, November 11, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Prenuptial, a new spanking story

I have a new short (actually quite short) story that has just been released through Trapezium books. It takes place in a lawyer’s office where a female attorney is administered discipline by her strong, masculine boss.
I tried to keep this story light and more of fantasy style rather than being serious. Of course spankings can be serious stuff but I decided to use the point of view from the female and let her own imagination of the spanking come through.
Here is the blurb for the story and a link to Trapezium Books.
It was the most unusual prenuptial agreement lawyer Shelly Macintyre had seen, stirring memories of her time learning under the strict Robert E Steinhauser. When she walked into office to negotiate the agreement, it wasn’t just the sight of him that made her knees go weak, but what he took out of his briefcase.
As with most of my stories I try to make spankings and BDSM consensual. I don’t like or believe in over powering to get one’s way- in particular when dealing with relationships. However once a person allows herself to be dominated, then a certain amount of force can be used. For example to use rope to secure limbs. The other thing is I think if one is going to the trouble to tie or spank someone, then clothes generally can get in the way. (Okay, I know you can cut off the clothes afterward too, but that can be expensive. You tie her up. Cut off the clothes. She buys more clothes. You get a big Master Card bill. Not so priceless.) Seeing a woman tied up fully dressed is like covering up a beautiful painting. I don’t mean to say nude is the only way to go as some lingerie can make very sexy too.
As far as spankings is concerned. Yes, I think you can start with paddling her over her jeans or skirt. But let’s face it. We both want her to bare ass eventually for the spanking. The clothes and panties only help her prepare for the final paddling.
The photo below is from

By the way, the story has a happy ending. :) Sorry- couldn't resist.
office spanking,
The Prenuptial
Friday, September 23, 2011
Slave collars and Praxton
I want to answer a question I received about Praxton and women wearing collars..
My first book in the series is titled “Praxton, Slaves of the Rogue World”.
At the time I started the story (it was going to be a short story) and I wanted to use a title that sounded like one of those bad movies from the ‘60’s (like the Galaxy of Terror) and just have some fun with it. But, as you know, Praxton has taken a life of its ownSo to clear things up, the women on Praxton do wear collars that show they belong to a male guardian. Now the Alliance Worlds consider they are slaves, something they feel they have a moral obligation to set free. However the women on Praxton are not slaves and don’t consider themselves one. True, they must obey their guardian and
accept whatever discipline he feels is necessary to maintain the household. But there is a difference here from being a slave; women can leave their guardian and find another to take care of them.
Praxton has many more females than males and it is common for a guardian to have two or more females under his care. So if a female doesn’t like their present guardian, or can’t get along with the other females, she can seek another guardian. Praxton society may not make it easy for her to do so, but she can legally obtain a new guardian. Usually she would quietly ask her friends if their guardian is able to accept a new female or in some cases discreetly advertize for a guardian.
Now about the collars; they are not the usual collars you find here sold at various adult sites. First, most Praxton collars have matching cuffs and are considered a type of jewellery. The chains that join the cuffs are decorative and light rather than strong and heavy. Generally speaking a Praxton woman will wear her collar and cuffs at all times she is out of her bedroom. Thus the collars are usually made fairly light and made to be comfortable. A Praxton female will normally have several collars to choose from. Likely she will have a collar for special occasions that will have jewels and made with precious metals, as well as other collars that will compliment with what is wearing that day or match her mood.
The collars on Praxton normally have a closure that automatically locks (This would also true of the cuffs). Symbolically this shows the female is under the guardian’s control. In reality the female normally would have a second key in her possession in case she needed to temporally remove it.
So what do these collars look like? I have some pictures of collars that might give you an idea of the everyday style Praxton females wear. Leather is not used on Praxton; like other worlds the use of animal skins is considered barbaric. Thus other materials are used that may appear to be like leather but would be slightly different. Some of these pics are taken from Have look at their website, some very interesting items.
Anyway, I hope this post gives abetter understanding of Praxton collars and what they mean.

My first book in the series is titled “Praxton, Slaves of the Rogue World”.

At the time I started the story (it was going to be a short story) and I wanted to use a title that sounded like one of those bad movies from the ‘60’s (like the Galaxy of Terror) and just have some fun with it. But, as you know, Praxton has taken a life of its ownSo to clear things up, the women on Praxton do wear collars that show they belong to a male guardian. Now the Alliance Worlds consider they are slaves, something they feel they have a moral obligation to set free. However the women on Praxton are not slaves and don’t consider themselves one. True, they must obey their guardian and

accept whatever discipline he feels is necessary to maintain the household. But there is a difference here from being a slave; women can leave their guardian and find another to take care of them.
Praxton has many more females than males and it is common for a guardian to have two or more females under his care. So if a female doesn’t like their present guardian, or can’t get along with the other females, she can seek another guardian. Praxton society may not make it easy for her to do so, but she can legally obtain a new guardian. Usually she would quietly ask her friends if their guardian is able to accept a new female or in some cases discreetly advertize for a guardian.

Now about the collars; they are not the usual collars you find here sold at various adult sites. First, most Praxton collars have matching cuffs and are considered a type of jewellery. The chains that join the cuffs are decorative and light rather than strong and heavy. Generally speaking a Praxton woman will wear her collar and cuffs at all times she is out of her bedroom. Thus the collars are usually made fairly light and made to be comfortable. A Praxton female will normally have several collars to choose from. Likely she will have a collar for special occasions that will have jewels and made with precious metals, as well as other collars that will compliment with what is wearing that day or match her mood.
The collars on Praxton normally have a closure that automatically locks (This would also true of the cuffs). Symbolically this shows the female is under the guardian’s control. In reality the female normally would have a second key in her possession in case she needed to temporally remove it.

So what do these collars look like? I have some pictures of collars that might give you an idea of the everyday style Praxton females wear. Leather is not used on Praxton; like other worlds the use of animal skins is considered barbaric. Thus other materials are used that may appear to be like leather but would be slightly different. Some of these pics are taken from Have look at their website, some very interesting items.
Anyway, I hope this post gives abetter understanding of Praxton collars and what they mean.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Spanking Survey

I mentioned in my last blog that there were several surveys on adult spanking on the Internet. I checked a few of them out and found the results interesting. I've reprinted part of one survey below, this one entirely answered by women.
3.) Your age is?
18% (47) 18-20
14% (37) 21-25
11% (31) 26-30
7% (20) 31-35
11% (30) 36-40
24% (64) 41-50
10% (26) 51-60
1% (4) 61 and over
259 voters have answered this question.
4.) Marital status is?
40% (105) Single
46% (121) Married
10% (27) Divorced
1% (3) Widow
1% (4) Separated
260 voters have answered this question.
5.) Were you spanked as a child?
70% (179) Yes
29% (76) No
255 voters have answered this question.
6.) Are you spanked as an adult female? (over 18)
87% (224) Yes
12% (33) No
257 voters have answered this question.
7.) If you answered ”No,” in #6, under the right circumstances would you like to be?
96% (120) Yes (Please continue)
4% (5) No (Thank you. Please stop here and view the poll results)
125 voters have answered this question.
8.) If you answered ”Yes,” on #7, would the right circumstances be? (Check all that apply, stop here, and see the Spanking of Adult Females #5 - Wana’be Spanked poll
47% (78) Playful (for fun)
59% (98) Sexual
73% (122) Disciplinary
33% (56) To satisfy a psychological need
38% (63) To maintain dominate/submissive relationships
165 voters have answered this question.
9.) If you are spanked as an adult, are these spankings? (check all that apply)
40% (99) Playful
59% (143) Sexual
78% (189) Disciplinary
31% (77) To satisfy a psychological need
33% (82) To maintain dominate/submissive relationships
242 voters have answered this question.

10.) Who spanks you? (check all that apply)
21% (51) Father
5% (12) Father’s friends
23% (56) Mother
5% (13) Mother’s friends
42% (101) Husband
8% (20) Husband’s friends
25% (61) Boyfriend
6% (16) Boyfriend’s friends
23% (55) Your female friend(s)
17% (42) Your male friend(s)
8% (20) Male neighbor(s)
14% (34) Female neighbor(s)
11% (28) Boss
10% (25) Brother
3% (9) Brother’s friends
11% (27) Sister
5% (13) Sister’s friends
4% (10) Son
5% (14) Daughter
8% (21) Strangers
7% (18) Other
11% (27) Lesbian lover (added 08/05/03)
5% (13) Lesbian friends (added 08/05/03)
237 voters have answered this question.
11.) Who is your primary spanker? (who spanks you the most)
7% (18) Father
0% (0) Father’s friends
8% (21) Mother
0% (1) Mother’s friends
35% (85) Husband
0% (2) Husband’s friends
17% (41) Boyfriend
0% (1) Boyfriend’s friends
3% (9) Your female friend(s)
2% (7) Your male friend(s)
0% (1) Male neighbor(s)
3% (8) Female neighbor(s)
2% (5) Boss
1% (4) Brother
0% (0) Brother’s friends
0% (0) Sister
0% (0) Sister’s friends
1% (3) Son
1% (4) Daughter
7% (17) Lesbian lover (added 08/05/03)
0% (2) Strangers
2% (6) Other
0% (2) Lesbian friends (added 08/05/03)
237 voters have answered this question.
I did bold one answer here, the one question that showed 87% of adult females had been spanked by those taking place in the survey. Another question on who did the spanking was interesting to note that there was a wide range of answers. I expected the answer to be more towards husbands or boyfriends.
This survey was taken from Mister Poll. The link to this survey is They also have several other interesting surveys.
Anyway, this is all food for thought. I'm not sure why spanking is so popular. A few years ago it was shown on TV- I think there was an espisode on Star Trek where Captain Kirk spanked a bratty princess. That would be now be politically incorrect. I long for the good old days. Maybe that's why there are few spanking scenes in my Praxton series. Science fiction where lovely women are given some discipline.
bare bottom,
spanking discipline OTK,
spanking survey
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Spanking the lady

I like the image of the naked woman (wife? girlfriend?) on the knee of the gentleman. It appears he is wearing a suit. Thus we have the image of a powerful man and a vulnerable lady. Overall I find the picture rather erotic.
I'm not sure of the accuracy of statistics of woman who liked to be spanked. I have heard some rather high percentages on that, something like 80%. But likely the ones answering such a survey (they are of the on-line variety) are interested in discipline anyway and thus found the survey on a spanking site. One lady I know told me she likes the thought of a spanking rather than the actual spanking. Specifically she said it was the knowledge that her husband could spank her if he decided to do so.
One of the stories I'm working on- I think I'm about half way through- has a spanking situation in it. A new relationship has the man telling his girlfriend that he wants to spank her. I suppose he could have done the "I'm in charge" thing and just drag her over his lap, spank her and to hell with the consequences. However I have him suggesting the spanking for two reasons. One, if he does just force the spanking she just might never forgive him and thus ending their romance. This he's not willing to risk. The other consideration is if she agrees to the spanking, then she is accepting he is in charge. Likely it will be the last time he would ask her to be spanked and just do it when he felt the need. So she is now has a decision to make and it's bit more complicated that what I can sum up a few sentences.

At least in this photo it appears the spanking is consensual. Certainly she looks like she is enjoying it. As for him, it's a given he's having fun. More on spanking on the next blog- its a subject I want to get to the bottom of.
Sunday, August 7, 2011

It has been a period of time since my last blog but I wanted to redo the website and the theme of my blog. I believe in the old saying one picture is worth a thousand words and with that in mind I plan to continue with my blog on writing about erotica with the help of photos.
First, I do like to make use of the keyhole. If one was to have a glimpse inside past a closed door, what do you think you would see? Likely not exactly the expected. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at the adjourning picture. She appears to me to be not in too much stress, more like anticipating for someone to walk through the door. If you were a stranger to her you might be hesitant about offering her help. She might tell you to get lost.
Perhaps you have a different interpertation of the image and might feel inspired to write a few words about it. As for me, sometimes images will inspire me to write a story, or at least fill a gap in one I am writing.
Currently I am working on a couple of stories that fall under the Praxton series. One is the fourth book and the other is a spinoff from the series that includes the planet Praxton. I'll keep you posted on the progress.
As always, comments are welcome and feel free to contact via my email address.
Friday, February 4, 2011
An erotic fairy tale

I have new release with Samhain Publishing called Be Careful What You Wish For. The story received an excellent review from Whipped Cream and has a different take on the damsel in distress story line. Simply put, a princess is kidnapped by a knight. However in this story the knight and the princess must follow the rules put forth in Kidnapping Of Damsel Laws, which stipulate what the knight may or may not do. The princess is also bound by such laws and the story follows her resistance to his planned seduction.
The princess is of course locked in her room for periods of time and must also wear what he deems appropiate. She is also put in chains and must endure apankings. I'm sure you will enjoy this tale.
The link for purchase is
The review by Whipped Cream is at
In the next blog I will let you know about the next Praxton book, which has turned out to a rather successful series. I would love to hear more from you about my stories and will be glad to answer any of your questions.
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