Friday, September 16, 2011

Spanking Survey

I mentioned in my last blog that there were several surveys on adult spanking on the Internet. I checked a few of them out and found the results interesting. I've reprinted part of one survey below, this one entirely answered by women.

3.) Your age is?
18% (47) 18-20
14% (37) 21-25
11% (31) 26-30
7% (20) 31-35
11% (30) 36-40
24% (64) 41-50
10% (26) 51-60
1% (4) 61 and over
259 voters have answered this question.

4.) Marital status is?
40% (105) Single
46% (121) Married
10% (27) Divorced
1% (3) Widow
1% (4) Separated
260 voters have answered this question.

5.) Were you spanked as a child?
70% (179) Yes
29% (76) No
255 voters have answered this question.

6.) Are you spanked as an adult female? (over 18)
87% (224) Yes

12% (33) No
257 voters have answered this question.

7.) If you answered ”No,” in #6, under the right circumstances would you like to be?
96% (120) Yes (Please continue)
4% (5) No (Thank you. Please stop here and view the poll results)
125 voters have answered this question.

8.) If you answered ”Yes,” on #7, would the right circumstances be? (Check all that apply, stop here, and see the Spanking of Adult Females #5 - Wana’be Spanked poll
47% (78) Playful (for fun)
59% (98) Sexual
73% (122) Disciplinary
33% (56) To satisfy a psychological need
38% (63) To maintain dominate/submissive relationships
165 voters have answered this question.

9.) If you are spanked as an adult, are these spankings? (check all that apply)
40% (99) Playful
59% (143) Sexual
78% (189) Disciplinary
31% (77) To satisfy a psychological need
33% (82) To maintain dominate/submissive relationships
242 voters have answered this question.

10.) Who spanks you? (check all that apply)
21% (51) Father
5% (12) Father’s friends
23% (56) Mother
5% (13) Mother’s friends
42% (101) Husband
8% (20) Husband’s friends
25% (61) Boyfriend
6% (16) Boyfriend’s friends
23% (55) Your female friend(s)
17% (42) Your male friend(s)
8% (20) Male neighbor(s)
14% (34) Female neighbor(s)
11% (28) Boss
10% (25) Brother
3% (9) Brother’s friends
11% (27) Sister
5% (13) Sister’s friends
4% (10) Son
5% (14) Daughter
8% (21) Strangers
7% (18) Other
11% (27) Lesbian lover (added 08/05/03)
5% (13) Lesbian friends (added 08/05/03)
237 voters have answered this question.

11.) Who is your primary spanker? (who spanks you the most)
7% (18) Father
0% (0) Father’s friends
8% (21) Mother
0% (1) Mother’s friends
35% (85) Husband
0% (2) Husband’s friends
17% (41) Boyfriend
0% (1) Boyfriend’s friends
3% (9) Your female friend(s)
2% (7) Your male friend(s)
0% (1) Male neighbor(s)
3% (8) Female neighbor(s)
2% (5) Boss
1% (4) Brother
0% (0) Brother’s friends
0% (0) Sister
0% (0) Sister’s friends
1% (3) Son
1% (4) Daughter
7% (17) Lesbian lover (added 08/05/03)
0% (2) Strangers
2% (6) Other
0% (2) Lesbian friends (added 08/05/03)
237 voters have answered this question.

I did bold one answer here, the one question that showed 87% of adult females had been spanked by those taking place in the survey. Another question on who did the spanking was interesting to note that there was a wide range of answers. I expected the answer to be more towards husbands or boyfriends.

This survey was taken from Mister Poll. The link to this survey is They also have several other interesting surveys.

Anyway, this is all food for thought. I'm not sure why spanking is so popular. A few years ago it was shown on TV- I think there was an espisode on Star Trek where Captain Kirk spanked a bratty princess. That would be now be politically incorrect. I long for the good old days. Maybe that's why there are few spanking scenes in my Praxton series. Science fiction where lovely women are given some discipline.


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