My website is now running, and I think I have the bugs out now. While I'm happy about that, my writing has taken a backseat. My Praxton series, now three books are being edited by a new publisher, Midnight Showcase. I hope they will be available this year but it depends on them. My other two stories, The Doorway and Buy Me are going to be published by eXasybooks. Again that is up to them when they will be published. In the meantime I hope you can make do with the free stories I have available.
I have the plot for the fourth Praxton novel worked out and a outline for two other books as well. I just time to write them! By the way, I need characters for my books and a couple of friends of mine have appeared in the books at their requests. I don't use their full name to hide their identity but they are pleased to be in the story. It's fun for me too, I usually have them naked.
So if you're a reader of erotica and would like to be a character in one of my stories, tell me a bit about yourself and we'll see what we can do. I need to know what you look like, maybe a characteristic or two, and a name you'd like o use.
I have a few photos on my site. What do you think of them? I've had a couple of positive comments about them and a suggestion I update more fequently (I will try).
Thanks for your emails, and enjoy the week.
NS Howard